It's hard to commit especially at times like this when you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, next month, or even next year! Is there another way, especially a hassle-free way when you need a new home in Hong Kong but there’s no affordable solution? We feel the same and we’ve heard you!

Hong Kong Renting Dilemma

Expensive Contracts

"The upfront tenancy requirements in Hong Kong are insane. They all need so much money before moving in with such long tenancy contract. How can you get a home here without borrowing from friends and family?"

-Sarah, 30 years old, Hospitality

It’s common in Hong Kong to have zero flexibility when it comes to getting a new home. You’ll find lock-in contracts that last a year or more, agents and landlords asking for 2 months deposit up front, and on top of that, another month’s rent in advance with maybe an agency fee added to the total. Unless you’re planning to live in a share house with some random flatmates, you’ll need to cough up all this money alone just to sign the contract!

Tiny Apartments, No Time to Lose

"After a long day at work, I’m not keen to come home and live in a shoebox apartment for $10k/month plus pay for electricity, gas, water, wi-fi, maintenance…the bills never end. I want a home I can go to with my own private space and everything I need where I have room to breathe and stretch! I like to take my time to find the perfect home as I’ve heard that you can find some gems with time…problem is, short term rental doesn’t seem to exist here?"

-Matt, 26 years old, Design

Month to month, flexible living is relatively new to Hong Kong…your only options are either a hotel or a serviced apartment. Even with those choices, they don’t always include basics like a fully-equipped kitchen, furniture, laundry all in a nice comfortable environment. At times you’re going to have to take the time, effort, and money to unpack and pack up your home to get ready and move again!

Limited and Inconvenient Options

"To be honest, money isn’t a problem but I’m just looking for somewhere easy and convenient to live while I figure out my next steps. All the good Airbnb’s are taken (apparently they aren’t even legal in Hong Kong!) and the hotel prices go up and down so I’m really struggling for nice choices where I can take care of myself and enjoy a homecooked meal once in a while."

-Antonia, 32 years old, Finance

Maybe money isn’t a problem for you, but looking for a nice temporary home when you don’t know how long you’ll stick around is also a pain. A long hotel stay is inconvenient when they might need to bump you to another room when you forget to pay. Serviced apartments can be impersonal, expensive and tiny with a barely-there kitchen and all your meals will turn into microwaved food or delivery!

Is There an Affordable Solution?

We hear you! Without trying to toot our own horn too much, over here at Weave Living we like to think of ourselves as the affordable solution to all these Hong Kong renting problems! Over the years we’ve seen these issues pop up time and time again, contributing to the long-lasting Hong Kong affordable housing crisis.

Yes, There Is!

To make things a little easier, we’ve got three No’s that we love to hear:

  • No agency fee
  • No stamp duty
  • No lock-in 2-year contracts

Too good to be true? Did we also mention we have:

  • All utility and bills included in the price?
  • Fully-furnished Kitchens?
  • Move-in ready bedrooms with everything included already?
  • Amenities like gyms, spin and yoga studios, terraces, and rooftops?
  • Events and workshops with built-in community?
  • On-site laundry and 24-hour security?
  • Flexible rental contracts ranging from 1, 3, 6 months, and more?

Our surprising prices start from just less than $7000 per month for a range of rooms to suit your tastes and needs in three central locations around the city — Prince EdwardTai Kok Tsui and Hung Hom. If you’re a little unsure, you can just start with living with us for a month to try it out with the option to extend however long you’d like. Our move-in ready rooms are already fully-furnished to perfection and just waiting for a little personalisation from you. We’d love to have you over, and if you like what we’ve got to offer, have a look at our promotions!


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